Alter Festival


Bona Fide is gothic folk, sung with bared chest and played with gems and stones. Sophia Luna’s siren-like voice leads you through the valleys and summits of Emil Palme’s guitar, sometimes ethereal, sometimes dense as the night. With songs of love, loss and magic, Bona Fide is an avantgarde take on the traditions of storytelling in folk music, holding hands with country, goth, and doom americana. Minimalist, romantic and fragile, Bona Fide’s work ranges from iPhone recordings on the debut album YIELD to the 45 min. symphonic work DAWN. Bona Fide operates at the intersection of music and contemporary art, using myths old and new as both object and lens. A highly visual project, their work has been shown in art galleries, and taught as part of the curriculum at Royal College of Art, London. It’s a worldbuilding project, where each song is an entry into the romantic world of Bona Fide.